DHD regular Hawksp puts into words what many of us are feeling in regard to the actions of Dr. Deborah Frisch and the Blackfive memorial.
Deb Frisch doesn’t have the courage to post this on her site. She is devoid of compassion for anything but herself and has repeatedly denigrated the good names of dead servicemen and women.
I originally sent this comment from my office this afternoon.
“Doctor Frisch, you are amazing! Your bravery is like the Cowardly Lion with the medal he never really earned as you type behind the safety of your computer screen. Your intelligence is as phony as the paper the Scarecrow received and as far as the heart goes, I think you might still be waiting on one.
I am one of your kooky Christians and a 30-year Army veteran still on active duty. Given my time in the military, you'd think that it would be pretty easy for me to dish it out like a “drunken sailor” like you. That isn’t the case. I have managed over the years to maintain a level of decorum in my language. It’s mainly because of my faith, but also being in leadership positions demands I be able to communicate in a professional manner. I believe expletives detract from that. I save course words for extreme conditions and I believe this is an entirely appropriate circumstance.
You Ma’am are an “Attention-Whore” and in need of serious psychiatric help! Damn you! Your outrageous statements concerning our fallen are neither appreciated nor welcomed.
Granted, this is your site and you obviously have a right to express your narrow-minded and bigoted point of view here. But there is no requirement that you do so. Who the hell do you think you are defiling the memory of these great Americans? Did you miss the news this week? Do you still not believe we are at war with radical, Islamic Fascists? Ten planes with thousands of people could have been lost. They are out there every day trying to kill us. At this point I don’t care why they want to kill us. I only care about our ability to kill them first. The people I work with every day and I know that this is why we fight. We know that this is why we leave our families and deploy for years at a time. Whether you believe it or not, let alone appreciate it, we do it for all Americans; even your worthless fourth point of contact. We get it! Why don’t you?
What I really believe is that you and people of your ilk don’t care any more about peace than your average terrorist. To you and the other bandana wearing anarchist thugs running around your so-called peace rallies, it’s all about the political power you’ve lost. Think about this, in the world that radical Islam would have you live, your live would be very different. As a woman, your opinion would not be allowed at the risk of prison. As a lesbian, you would be executed.
For me though, it’s about your comments regarding our fallen. I am going to ask you to please, for all that might still be good in your heart, leave the memory of these men and women alone. Our president and his administration have demonstrated they are more than capable of taking the ridiculous and hateful criticisms you seditious bastards spew. You of could, live under the protection of the First Amendment and may say those things. But it is the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces that have given you that privilege. So to sully the sacrifice made by those patriots by questioning their motivations or intelligence is abhorrent and you haven’t earned that right.
Your words are an abomination.”
You deleted it! COWARD!
Ten minutes later I posted this, and you put it up.
“It’s funny. No sooner did I send off the post (that I'm sure you will delete) than I heard the "Retreat" ceremony sound from outside of my office window here at Ft. Bragg. It is two beautiful, haunting tunes that are played at the end of our workday. Where it once called our soldier back at the end of a battle, it now causes us to pause and remember the fallen as we lower the flag. I am sad for you that you will probably never understand what it feels like in my chest when I hear it.”
You offered this little gem of wisdom.
“how pathetic, hawksp. so many brave, noble, poor mofos been used as cannon fodder because the commander-in-chief is a puppet. so many dead, maimed and mentally damaged troops. so many dupes, damaged or dead for NAFUCKINGDA. keep denying it, wingnuts! keep sending more and more of your rightwing, kristian baws off to git slaughtered!
u go, wingnuts!
Posted by word warrior at August 11, 2006 03:42 PM”
What is pathetic is your lack of courage to print my original text. You’re real brave when you can pick and choose the point of view that goes up on your site. Are you scared of my words? You lefties are all about free speech until you get a chance to stifle someone else’s opinion that you don’t like. Here's some advice because I know you troll here. Keep your wretched comments about our war dead to yourself you fatherless rodent!
Thanks to Sinner for a site to expose the evil stupidity of Doctor Debra Frisch.
I question her patroitism.