Sunday, August 27, 2006

Dr. Deb makes an appearance in the "Official Sulla Tribute Thread" (below) and get her rear-end handed to her by more than one of those tricksey VBSers.

God, I love this gang.

(Its not a gang, its a club!)


At 7:43 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

It's not a club.

it slices like an ephing HAMMER. :)

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

with apologies to Ace.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger joeschmo1of3 said...

Ha! Thass' right, Sulla!

At 7:59 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

I guess debbie has passed out for the night. Unless she's posting suicide notes somewhere. We'll find out in the morning.

At 8:00 PM, Blogger OregonMuse said...

Our Deb writes:

So I am going to be posting chapters of Coyote Mind.

So don't you think this is going to cut into book sales? I mean, she is now giving any potential audience she might have 3 reasons not to buy it:

1) it's crappy

2) it's being posted on her blog, so everybody can all read it there

3) it's crappy

At 8:01 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Like a Viking - with a Hammer!

(Ok, I'll admit it, I have never actually understood what like actually means.)

At 8:01 PM, Blogger OregonMuse said...

Oh, and I just remembered a 4th reason why Deb's book won't sell.

4) it's crappy

At 8:03 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

like a Viking - I don't understand 'like a Viking'.

I'm down to my last brain cell and it's starting to turn sort of brown and crispy looking.

At 8:04 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

By writing her book, she pretends she still has something worth saying.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger nonk9 said...

Okay logic kopz. Let's try it one more time. Jeff Goldstein and I disagree about who wrote the auntie moonbat saliva kiss. I allege that it is Jeff. Jeff alleges that it is me. One of us is wrong.

My claim is that JG has a prior history of pedophilia - lots of icky sexy stuff on lipid stupidity AND he LIKES the name "Count Cockula" which combines sexual crudeness with a children's cereal.

Anyone with half a brain sees that Jeffrey Todd Goldstein is the guy who has an issue with mixing sex and toddlers, not me. Jeffrey the stay at home dad for two year old Satchel. Yikes. Poor Satchel being cared for by Count Cockula. Blech. Ich. It is long past time for Colorado children's protective services to investigate Jeffrey Todd Goldstein, if you ask me.

The question is: Does anyone here have half a brain?

At 8:06 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

I read the meaning of like a Viking,but its really not VBS friendly ;)

At 8:07 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

BrendaK What's that smell?

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...


I won't go into the details, but it's a pretty standard "roast" joke (think Comedy Central).

It was used in the Drew Carey roast, for example. Dom Irrera was talking about this one time he was, um, reenacting Brokeback Mountain with Drew - "not in a gay way, like a Viking...."

And then, in the manner of The Aristocrats, he painted the scene.

if you saw any of the Shatner roast (allah has some "highlights"), roasts are notorious for crass humor.

It's not an art form upon which I care to elaborate.

At 8:09 PM, Blogger nonk9 said...

what is vbs
what is vbs
what is vbs

very boring society?

why are you guys so obsessed with me?

seriously, i wanna know.

At 8:10 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Word worm: you wouldn't answer my question at South(pawthetic)west:
Have you ever asked for an exorcism?
Does Holy Water sizzle when it touches you?

At 8:11 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Well, Deb does not have a clear understanding of the philosophical concepts she's attempting to pin her theories on. She should probably consult more than one source before she attempts to utilize the constructs she is mangling.

So far, her misunderstandings do not bode well for her future as a research assistant.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Can she run a copier?

At 8:15 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Oooookay. I probably won't use that particular phrase in polite company.

Rabbit, you're right -- there's an oddly frishy, burnt bacon, kind of singed fur smell in here.

Someone open a window and let some fresh air in.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger joeschmo1of3 said...


Doubt it: too many buttons.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Hoe about some HOT AIR VENT with that talented new guy?

At 8:17 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Rabbit - only if it has pictorial instructions.

She has some odd gaps in her ability to read, write and express herself verbally.

A sad indictment of the state of public schools in America.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

How, I mean

At 8:19 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Well. daddy paid for private tutors, I guess.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Rabbit - it's a shame that her daddy paid for illiterate tutors.

Goodness, that wasn't a very bright move on his part!

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

::: Okay logic kopz. Let's try it one more time. Jeff Goldstein and I disagree about who wrote the auntie moonbat saliva kiss. I allege that it is Jeff. Jeff alleges that it is me. One of us is wrong. :::

Okay, logically impaired decision expert, let's try it one more time.

The dispute over that one small item is a drop in the bucket of outrages. That was one moment in one day.

SINCE THEN, you have alleged, alluded to, and outright drew a picture of things far, far worse than the original, disputed "auntie moonbat" line.

Jeff was willing to walk away from the entirety of that night's bit of outrage from you.

But for weeks afterward, you CONTINUED to harrass his family. Bringing up his kid. You've accused him of pedophilia on several occasions this weekend, on this very blog.

THAT, my dear idiot, is what got Jeff so fed up with your sorry ass that he filed a restraining order. Not the original night.

Once again. NOT THE ORIGINAL NIGHT. But when you wouldn't let up, and made allegations against him on NUMEROUS websites, with the express intent of giving his son an eyeful when he Googled® his own name
in kindergarten, you forced his hand.

He was willing to chalk up the entire event of July 6 to an ugly but forgettable incident. But by the beginning of August, your continued harrassment constituted an actionable offense.

And - let this sink in, you twit - your actions in EWWW, GENE! have made it that much more likely that his complaint will be taken seriously.

You laughed that "he filed a TRO against someone he never met." Well, now, thanks to your out-of-control idiotic behavior, you have handed him a giftwrapped CRIMINAL HISTORY OF STALKING.

You could have gotten away scott free on July 8. But you thought you could play this into a pundit gig (which shows how clueless you are). And when you realized the media was interested in you ONLY because you were a moron who attacked someone's kid, and not because you were a PhD eager to talk about "the big mean blogosphere", you upped the ante.

You're holding a crap deck, Deb. You've got a 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10, and you can't bluff for beans.

Your "logic" the past two months shows that you are operating with less than half the brains you THINK everyone here has. You're framing your life and all its disappointments through the funhouse mirror of your addlepated rage.

You are the one obsessed with the name Cockula. You are the one obsessed with making him pay for lies only you think he made. You allege dishonor where none occurred, even as you commit acts that no person with a functioning conscience would consider.

You're an ethical black hole, Deb. When the abyss looks into you, it sees itself.

You make Cthulhu scared.

And the more you try to prove your point, the deeper you dig your professional grave.

Get a life, Deb.

At 8:30 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Walmart is having a nationwide Blue Light Special on lives this weekend. If Deb hurries, she might find one within her price range!

Unfortunately, her circumscribed financial situation would only purchase a life in the range between Miserable Shoe Salesperson Life and the Late-Life Acne Scared French Fry Technician Life.

At 8:31 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

question, folks:

do I overdo it?

Would a succinct smackdown work better?

She alludes to me, but she never engages me directly.

I know I make her mad, but I'm not certain if I make her scared.

At 8:35 PM, Blogger nonk9 said...

nope sulla. you don't scare me at all.

but thanks for caring.

word warrior

At 8:35 PM, Blogger joeschmo1of3 said...


I think you intimidate her. phunee and cray zee, while she is only teh crazy®.

At 8:35 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

I just don't much want to engage her directly again tonight. Really, I need a good night's sleep tonight. I have to get up early for WORK.

And, why SHOULD we address her directly? She eliminates comments on her site.

At 8:35 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Not overdone at all.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger joeschmo1of3 said...

but thanks for caring.

Lame and boring. No wonder she doesn't like those Sadly, No kids.

At 8:38 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

You make Cthulhu scared.

Now that's an accomplishment.

Would look smashing on her c.v.

At 8:38 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Funny how she popped up when I thought she had passed out & OM thought her crappy book was crappy.

At 8:39 PM, Blogger nonk9 said...

i'm getting bored. anyone got a reason for me to hang out and chitchat with you creeps, speak now or forever hold your peace until the next time i am bored enough to hang out here witch all.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger nonk9 said...


I don't get it. And for the record, could you all please acknowledge how funny my "c**t cockula= the count without the O joke" is.

acknowledge it, creeps.

do it now.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger joeschmo1of3 said...

Well, now she's raping Elizabeth Barrett Browning with her simple and confusing rewrite. She didn't even keep it as a sonnet.


At 8:42 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

Then speak to the accusation, Deb.

Answer my contention.

Nobody cares anymore about Auntie Moonbat. They do care about the shite you've been spewing continuously since early August, AFTER Jeff posted "I'll settle for a bottle of good vodka" and was ready to move on.

Shite you've spewed here tonight. Certifiably proven lies coming out of your deluded, denuded noggin.

What happened, Deb? Was it a straw that broke the camel's back in mid-spring 2006, or is it simply the cumulative effect of 12 years of acidic resentment corroding away every protective layer of conscience and self-respect that has led you to this moment, where people you wouldn't have stooped to communicate with are now playing with you the way a humpback whale plays with a baby seal just before dining upon it?

WTF happened to you? What made you this tiny, embittered shell of a person?

No blaming other people. Other people will be good or bad, but you have (or had, once) the power to decide how to react. You've since given that away. You've sold your reputation for nothing of value.

And now you, once a shining star in the academic continuum, are reduced to calling people like me "pissants" when objective observers see at worst a bunch of smart people wasting their time on a burnout hippie wannabe who isn't worth bothering with.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

bully of the lame retort,

I acknowledge that you think you're funny.

the monkey and the seal make fun of you behind your back.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

What's that scratching sound outside your window, word-ditz?

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

and I'm not surprised you're bored.

You don't get the jokes. And we're tired of trying to explain them to you.

Your lack of comprehension does not constitute a failure of humor on our part.

Run along now. The grownups are having a discussion.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

You really Have run out of people to talk with you.

And NO, you aren't up to VBS standards.

At 8:48 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

I still care about the Auntie Moonbat comment. Jeff maintains that he has the IP trace to prove it was Deb -- and he did convince the court to give him a TRO. People really aught to try to understand the technology they are abusing.

At 8:50 PM, Blogger joeschmo1of3 said...

I love how she doesn't know how to look stuff up. Where's her half a brain?

At 8:50 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Joe -

Still tied behind her back.


I crack myself up.

At 8:51 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Do ya'll think this will be settled in court soon?
I don't know about that kind of stuff.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Jeez, molesting Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

She stands on the shoulders of giants, peeing into the wind.

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

Seriously, Deb - work on the book.

When you post those excerpts, I see hope. I'm not kidding. I WANT you to succeed at this.

You have a paying customer waiting. I'll pay extra for a signed copy.

Get it published by a reputable press, and I'll even send a check so you'll have my contact info.

I promise.

I keep my promises.

The book, Deb. Don't listen to those who disparage your ability. I believe you can do it, and I'm putting money on the table that you will.

If you focus on the book, and stop focusing on all them whats done you wrong, you have a chance. If you insist on rehashing Auntie Moonbat to the end of time, you are doomed.

Look up the word "damned," Deb. That's what you are now - you're stuck in quicksand and hog slop, making no progress, and sinking faster because you won't accept the help that's being offered you.

I don't want that. I want to read about the Deb Frisch who overcame a rough period and returned to make a contribution to her field and to humanity.

Because if you don't write your book, I plan to write one about you. If it comes to that, then know that it won't have a happy ending.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

I see they have a ghostbusters group in Eugene. They go out & investigate places around town. Maybe she could join them. Give her something to do instead of staying alone in a deserted spooky shack--what was that? Nevermind.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Rabbit - it'll be settled on the next court dates. The matters before the court in OR are fairly simple. The one in Colorado is the more complex as it will, I believe, be the start of a new stalking standard.

How badly she gets dinged will depend to some degree on her behavior between the original grant of the Colorado TRO and the final denuement in that case. Off to a smashing start, huh?!

At 9:00 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

And they are allowed to bring this new stuff up?

At 9:06 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...


I'm too tired to spell anything.

I'm going to keep the verbiage short and easy.

Deb is a poopy-head!

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...


I also care - and I know it's provable in court. In one unguarded moment on her blog Deb wrote that "I admitted 90% of what I said," which is damned incriminating all by itself since there's only one thing she doesn't admit to.

However, that one line likely wouldn't have been enough for a restraining order.

That one line wasn't enough for Jeff to take legal action. He was willing to let it go.

So in THAT sense, it's not relevant. Because what she's done since is what's buried her.

The day Jeff decided to act, she'd posted truly obscene comments on Ace of Spades, Patterico, and Protein Wisdom (again, provable via IP logs, but Deb refuses to acknowledg it.) This, after a couple weeks of google-bombing the Goldsteins to make for a kindergarten surprise - and she said so, which makes it a premeditated harrassment.

She claims Jeff "lied" because he told a newspaper on July 12 that he didn't feel intimidated, but later filed charges against her. She refuses to get it through her thick skull that by the time he pressed charges, she'd been busy for three weeks heaping additional guilt upon herself, which gave additional weight to initial incident.

She doesn't get it that accusing Jeff - which she's done a half dozen times just this weekend here alone - of being a danger to his kid with obvious malice but no proof other than her assertion, is a crime.

She doesn't get it that no lawyer taking her case to sue jeff means something, or that a lawyer taking jeff's case also means something.

She doesn't get it that her arrest and arraignment this past Monday further helps Jeff's case against her.

She doesn't comprehend the danger she's put herself in. She's fixated on these tiny little "factoids" that only she can see.

Horton, there are no Whos. There's no There there.

So, yes, Auntie Moonbat matters. But even without it, even with only those things she admits to freely, Deb has destroyed her case.

At 9:08 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Rabbit -

I think they can get it in under as continuing harassment or maybe egregious behavior. Anyway, bunches of people are still sending her blogblursts to Jeff so mebbe so.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Sulla -

I get what you're saying now.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Thanks. I knew ya'll could 'splain it to little ole law-abidin' me.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

I'm heading off to the coop,or hutch or wherever I sleep. Thanks for a wonderful evening of VBS.

At 9:20 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Right behind you, rabbit.

G'night, all. Sleep tight, don't let the frischbats bite.

At 9:21 PM, Blogger joeschmo1of3 said...

'Night all.

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Hi all,

I'm back from camping, looks like I missed a Frisch sighting.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger Retired Fireman said...

Dear Hateful Psychotic Child Molesting Frischenstein:

Do you speak any language that non-gibbering idiots can understand? In future, kindly proofread your posts before assaulting unsuspecting readers of this message board with a litany of misspellings, egregious grammatical errors, and other verbal atrocities.

If there's an idea in your head, it's in solitary confinement. Does your train of thought have a caboose? You've got a big hole in your head, now shut it. When you are at a loss for words, your loss is our gain. You bring to mind a quote from Josh Billing: "Doesn't know much, but leads the league in nostril hair."

You are a bore, and a very dull one at that. You have the warm personal charm of a millipede and about as much class as a bucket of mucous lodged on top of a dumpster in a Blue Light district of New Jersey. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if you didn't eat all those paint chips and lead pencils when you were a kid; if your weren't so fat that you look like The Michelin Man man on steroids, or if you didn't have a face that people shove in dough to make monster cookies. Nah, of course you would.

In conclusion, why don't you go away and play Russian roulette with all chambers fully-loaded?

At 3:05 AM, Blogger Bilgeman said...

war-ee-ur doo mow blurts;

"i'm getting bored. anyone got a reason for me to hang out and chitchat with you creeps, speak now or forever hold your peace until the next time i am bored enough to hang out here witch all."

I want to know what a day in the life of a disgraced Frisch is like.
I've got my own ideas.

I want you to keep a journal of everything you do from wake-up to goodnight, and then post 'em.

Interesting to see how the different versions compare.

This site is all about YOU, but you're "bored"?

Have you ever watched boilers in a ship's engine room?
For MONTHS at a time?

You do NOT know what it means to be bored...believe me.

And BTW, I LIKE "boring"...boring is GOOD.

Excitement means you're going to be burned, at the least.


At 3:34 AM, Blogger Retired Fireman said...

She has never done anything for anyone else her entire life. Never a good deed, never a thought to another human being. Quite possibly the most selfish, self-centered person I have ever encountered. Bilge, it is like I said yesterday, all she does is look in the mirror and see a hatefilled loser looking back at her. Someone who is alone, with no friends, who is an embarrassment to her family and a disappointment. SOmeone who squandered her parents money on an education that can never be put to use and serves no purpose anymore. Someone who, if she fell off the face of the earth, would never be missed let alone noticed. She knows this and it tears her up into a rage. She storms around her hovel ranting and raving like the true insane lunatic she is. She thinks she is being clever, but in the back of her mind she knows that in the near future, her world will consist of a 6' x 9' enclosure. An enclosure where noone will come to visit on visiting days and finally, her lesbianism will pay off, for afterall, you can't rape the willing.

Even as she reads this now, the words bite deep into her black soul. Truth always does.

At 4:37 AM, Blogger Blizzardlane said...

Good morning, gangsters. I always miss the fun.

Hose, you have a point about her seemingly having no altruism. I think you have to have some measure of empathy to be altruistic -- and to be funny.

No, I think she's a sociopath. Was re-reading the DSM-IV criteria for these very dangerous personality types. A good outline is at Wikipedia.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger OregonMuse said...

Good gravy, that mnemonic in the Wikipedia entry for antisocial personality disorder fits Deb almost to a T:

A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for antisocial personality disorder is CORRUPT[1][2]:

* C - cannot follow law
* O - obligations ignored
* R - remorselessness
* R - recklessness
* U - underhandedness
* P - planning deficit
* T - temper

Other than the 'O', which I'm not sure of, this fits like a glove.

At 7:36 AM, Blogger nonk9 said...

Brenda: I still care about the Auntie Moonbat comment. Jeff maintains that he has the IP trace to prove it was Deb -- and he did convince the court to give him a TRO. People really aught to try to understand the technology they are abusing.
There are two hypotheses about who wrote the pedophilic comment.

Hypothesis 1: One of Jeff's pervs sockpuppeted me. If this hypothesis is true, Jeff is lying about it coming from my IP address. (I make no effort to mask my IP address, as y'all probably know.)

Hypothesis 2: King perv himself wrote the comment. There was a real message from my IP address, but the protein wisdom blog manager (i.e., Jeffrey Todd Goldstein) altered the comment. If this hypothesis is true, Jeff is lying about the author of the statement.

I have no idea which is true. I tend to lean toward the first because deep down, I think Jeff is an a**hole and a moron and but not a pedophile.

But he is so adamant about it that I tend to lean more and more toward Hypothesis 2, the more he pushes it.

BTW, Someone other than Jeff (Patterico, Ace of Spades, etc.) actually did the IP address verification. Maybe they phuqued up. Maybe they lied.

Matthew Heidt at Blackfive is a documentable liar. Maybe Ace is too.

Who verified the IP on the auntie moonbat comment? Ace or Pat?

If it was Ace, I'd put my money on Ace as the liar here, given his affiliation with the nigga matthew heidt.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger nonk9 said...

In conclusion, why don't you go away and play Russian roulette with all chambers fully-loaded?
This is lovely. This is suggesting that a fellow human being commit suicide. I've gotten lots of these "why don't you denton yourself" messages since i started hanging out with friends of Mr. Jeffrey Todd Goldstein of Denver, Colorado, father of Satchel and husband of the count without the O.

He is a sick pup. You friends of Jeff are sick pups. Trust me, I'm a psychologist.

Either police this swamp and don't allow pissants like this to say such disparaging things about (me? another commenter?) or I ain't coming back. Unless I change my mind.

But really, this kind of crap should not be tolerated.

In a real democratic blogosphere, comments would be edited and sick, murderous, on the way to nazi land comments like this would be deleted and the perpetrators reprimanded.

At 7:43 AM, Blogger nonk9 said...

sulla: If you focus on the book, and stop focusing on all them whats done you wrong, you have a chance. If you insist on rehashing Auntie Moonbat to the end of time, you are doomed.

dude (dudette?) auntie moonbat's gonna BE in the book!

silly sulla!

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Blizzardlane said...

Someone got up on the wrong side of the bridge this morning!

At 11:04 AM, Blogger minteh said...

"Trust me, I'm a psychologist."

Now *that's* a money-quote!

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Retired Fireman said...

Showing once again, her complete ineptitude and unfamiliarity at humor and a good flaming, her Frischness, Dr. Coocoo-for Cocoapuffs fails to not only see the irony of the statement, but the humor as well. However, she also fails to see the irony of her being offended after all the offensive thing she has said about a two year old as well as all the fake suicide notes, and other ill things she has written.

Yup, truly a waste of skin amongst wastes of skin.

Like I have said before, what she doesn't know would overflow the largest trench on Mars.

Go look that up in your F***in' Wagnalls Doc.

Oh, and even by your own words numerous times, you aren't a psychologist. Can we add "Impersonating a physician" to your list of felonies and misdemenors?

I am, however, a Liscenced Medical Official. In my professional opinion, please check yourself in to the nearest mental facility post haste. When you do it voluntarily you retain some rights. Do it now, before someone does it for you and you lose all said rights.

What's wrong with you is nothing that a few weeks of intensive phycological therapy and a regimin of Valium, Zoloft and Lithium couldn't cure.

Think I'm wrong? Then go and find out for yourself. I got a paycheck that sais I am right.

You, however, are forever wrong in your thoughts, words and deeds.

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

limp-lobed bully writes:

In a real democratic blogosphere, comments would be edited and sick, murderous, on the way to nazi land comments like this would be deleted and the perpetrators reprimanded.

Spoken like a true cloistered academic used to running a classroom like a medieval dictatorship.

Is that why you hate your former colleages at the U of O? They stopped covering for you when your coprolalia got out of control one too many times?

You sound like a serial killer who blames the cops for not stopping him from his murders. "It's YOUR fault she died! Dummy!"

The wheels of justice turn slowly but grind to powder. You're in the system now.




At 1:16 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

sulla: If you focus on the book, and stop focusing on all them whats done you wrong, you have a chance. If you insist on rehashing Auntie Moonbat to the end of time, you are doomed.

Word Nazi: dude (dudette?) auntie moonbat's gonna BE in the book!

silly sulla!

Oof! I am smitten to the quick!



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