Thursday, August 17, 2006

After reading this:
Great link! I went there and...they aren't obsessed with YOU so much as they are laughing at you. And making very clever jokes at your expense. Excellent poetry, as well, which you could use some help with.

Hey - instead of paying someone to teach you to be funny, you could just learn from the commenters on that site. They've got teh funnee down.

maybe you should go hang out there, orangeena!
Posted by Orangeena at August 17, 2006 10:47 AM
I remembered my observation that the funniest stuff over there is written in the comments, by people other than Dr. Deb. "orangeena" points out that this site is much funnier, which in my completely objective opinion, is completely true and a very good observation. Clearly, "orangeena" is a person of style and grace with excellent taste in humor.

All kidding aside, the worst, lamest, crappiest attempt at humor here is about 200% funnier than anything that came out of Dr. Deb. Unintentional humor not withstanding, because that is the very best kind of humor when referring to Dr. Deb.

In fact, this unfunny post is at least 300% funnier than anything I have seen from her keyboard.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger Bilgeman said...


A ship with an internet cnnection, (even a s-l-o-w steam-powered one...gotta love it!).

So... the clown who confessed to "jon benet ramseying" Jon Benet Ramsey was himself a teechur once.

Hmmmmm, one wonders if he was ever in "teh crazee"'s class?

And what's been up with our favorite respondent?

Has she said boo-yah about the TRO yet?

Send a message in a bottle or a blinking light or semaphore, will ya?


At 3:18 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

slightly off topic.

I'm not this sulla, but he is a fellow traveler.

Some good stuff on the site to boot.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger joeschmo1of3 said...


Someone asked her about it in a comment at her site on the 15th, and all she ever wrote about it was one line: a-ok, jd. thanx 4 askin.

JD was a commenter who asked about the court thing.

So I don't know what she's doing right now, except trolling on vodkapundit, and nobody caring.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

John Henry,

I reiterate what was said before:

big. as. church bells.


You da man.

(adding a new bookmark)

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

BTW, not that anyone's asking, but here's a good rundown on my cognomen, written by someone else who has an affinity for a certain Roman dictator with a conservative bent.

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

John: that URL isn't coming up for me, is it down for some reason?

At 4:06 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

I made a very, very tasteless snark involving teh crazee® and spanking her monkey.

(What? I grew up on military bases. I heard stuff.)

(I am too a lady. Ask my mom if you don't believe me.)

We'll see if she posts it - and if she gets it.

$2 says it goes straight over her head with a might wooshing sound.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...


do girls have monkeys?

I missed that part of science class.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

John Henry -

So, is the contest for the ultimate take down, or is it for the batfrisch craziest?

'Cause, you have the broadest shoulders in the land and your bitch post is in a class all it's own, but I think Deb's got the edge on you for raging loonism. Her name is an internet verb, after all.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

John Henry -

So, is the contest for the ultimate take down, or is it for the batfrisch craziest?

'Cause, you have the broadest shoulders in the land and your bitch post is in a class all it's own, but I think Deb's got the edge on you for raging loonism. Her name is an internet verb, after all.

At 4:42 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Sorry double comment. Weird stuff going on with my machine.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

Sulla -

No, not as a general rule. Dr. Deb says she's got one, though.

Who am I to argue?

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Cthulhu said...

careful, there, john henry. That Deb Frisch is a steam-powered drill of teh crazy ® ...

At 5:30 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

I am convinced that Deb is related to Michael H. Frisch PhD. of SUNY Buffalo NY.

For 2 days she has blocked any comment with his name in it, no matter what approach I have used.
If she didn't know him, she wouldn't block his name.

After Nedra complained, she re-re-named the seal Negra.

That RV park with Boo Kitty was pretty funny.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger BrendaK said...

rabbit -

She's got her daddy's nose.

Cursed from birth, I tells ya.

At 6:19 PM, Blogger minteh said...


You could always give "Who's Who In America" a try...a lot of professors are listed in it. And they often have family info in the profiles. :)

At 7:10 PM, Blogger NedraZ said...

Not safe for work, VBS,or Heterosexuals.


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