Sunday, August 13, 2006

The letter everyone seems to be talking about:
dishonorable SEAL update

I just emailed this letter to Mark Divine, the media contact person for the Navy SEALS.

Dear Mr. Divine,

I am the former director of the Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program at the National Science Foundation. On July 6, I had a disagreement with a gentleman from Colorado on his web site regarding the wisdom of the war in Iraq. The conversation got nasty and I said something very mean and nasty to the effect that I would not care if harm came to my combatant's child.

A former Navy SEAL named Matthew Heidt lied about what happened (saying I threatened the child when I merely expressed indifference to his well-being) on his website and posted my employer's contact information on his website to incite people to call my boss so I would get in trouble. After 300 people emailed my boss on July 8, I felt forced to resign. Mr. Heidt also posted my home address at the same time he posted lies about me, which can only be interpreted as an attempt to incite physical violence against me. It is disgusting for a former Navy SEAL to try to incite violence against a lesbian. Nowhere NEAR as bad as the Marines who rape and murder Iraqi civilians, of course, but still dishonorable.

Mr. Heidt a.k.a. Froggy@blackfive was an unethical word warrior. He is despicable and an embarrassment to your organization.

I am wondering if there is a public relations person I could speak to about my grievances with the former Navy SEAL who was by far, the least honorable combatant in the incident?

Thank you,

Deborah Frisch, Ph.D.
Eugene, OR
Posted by Deb at 10:35 AM | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0)

Fisk away!

Update: One last hit before bed.
you guys are crazy. i went out trying to inflame rightwingnuts and i caught a dishonorable former navy SEAL! but you idiots don't see yet that i have succeeded in baiting the rabid, stupid right beyond my wildest dreams!

lay off the craque, dingbats - this is working out grrrrr-eat 4 me!
Sorry folks, teh vodka is no longer the substance of choice.

teh craque!

Teh king is dead, long live teh king!


At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like some sock puppets are "fighting" amongst themselves:

I say Again:
Nedra is a LIER!! BAN HER!!

Posted by Boo Kitty at August 13, 2006 08:22 PM

My money's on Boo Kitty. She et herself an angel fish! Doesn't even need teh craque!

At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Divine

I thought she was an atheist? Getting kinda formal with the Guy Upstairs, ain't she? (well, we are talking about SEALS...)

I am the former director of the Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program at the National Science Foundation.

"I am also a former tenure-track professor, a former adjunct lecturer, and former dog walker. I am currently working as a standup comic in Eugene, Oregon, if by working you mean free soft drinks and bus fare."

On July 6, I had a disagreement with a gentleman from Colorado on his web site regarding the wisdom of the war in Iraq.

He adopted me as his pet moonbat, but it didn't work out too well.

Oh yeah. Add "former official pet moonbat, Protein Wisdom, June 2006" to my curriculum vitae.

The conversation got nasty and I said something very mean and nasty to the effect that I would not care if harm came to my combatant's child.

Along with some other stuff that I didn't write, though someone at my keyboard at the same time as me did. Let's call her "Lilith." That's what my dog calls her.

A former Navy SEAL named Matthew Heidt lied about what happened (saying I threatened the child when I merely expressed indifference to his well-being)

These are not the droids you're looking for.

and posted my employer's contact information on his website to incite people to call my boss so I would get in trouble.

He incited them by quoting me faithfully. Well, not me, Lilith. He quoted Lilith. The bastard.

Thanks for the correction, Woofie.

After 300 people emailed my boss on July 8, I felt forced to resign.

But I didn't like the stupid job anyway, so he did me a favor, really.

Mr. Heidt also posted my home address at the same time he posted lies about me, which can only be interpreted as an attempt to incite physical violence against me.

Because, you know, people are dying to go to FRIGGING ARIZONA IN THE FRIGGING SUMMER just to work up a sweat roughing up a middle-aged douche like me.

It is disgusting for a former Navy SEAL to try to incite violence against a lesbian.

Damn, I'm glad I'm not straight. Cuz if he'd incited violence against a breeder, then, well, I'd have been all for it. Overpopulation and all that.

Nowhere NEAR as bad as the Marines who rape and murder Iraqi civilians, of course, but still dishonorable.

Woofie made me put that in. Cuz really, who gives a rip about Iraqi civilians? We're talking about an ADJUNCT LECTURE job, fercryinoutloud. You know how tough it is to get that kinda sweet gig with only an Ivy League PH.D?

Mr. Heidt a.k.a. Froggy@blackfive was an unethical word warrior. He is despicable and an embarrassment to your organization.

Damn, that's good vodka.

I am wondering if there is a public relations person I could speak to about my grievances with the former Navy SEAL who was by far, the least honorable combatant in the incident?

Cuz you know, it's not like you have really IMPORTANT stuff to do, like preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution. I mean, that stuff's for suckers. We know it's all about foreign pooter and blowin' shit up.

Deborah Frisch, Ph.D.
Eugene, OR

I'll be at Peabody's this Wednesday, if you want to catch my high-LAR-ious Stephen-Colbertish topical humor, such as how Israel is Auschwitzing Lebanon and how bloody brilliant I am cuz I can say ephu bookoo in my erudite multilingual way. kapeesh?

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Author! Author! Huzzah! Huzzah!

My two favorite lines:

These are not the droids you're looking for.


Well, not me, Lilith. He quoted Lilith. The bastard.

Thanks for the correction, Woofie.

That's teh craque right there!

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Mr. Heidt a.k.a. Froggy@blackfive was an unethical word warrior. He is despicable and an embarrassment to your organization."

I can only wonder if the Chief of Naval Operations will fly from Norfolk to Eugene to piss on Frisch's leg, or if he will designate a personal representative to do the job.

Sounds like a natural gig for a lifer bosun's or gunner's mate...preferably one with a prodigious bladder capacity and the CNO's own expense acount to fill it with...


At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are not the droids you're looking for.
Damn! I usually reserve that for Jack Bauer!
Nicely done sulla!
I bet it was hard to type through the tears of laughter.

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I managed to avoid commenting until now. I couldn't help myself, back to Step One.

When are you going to sue DHD for plagiarizing all your material and putting it up on their site?
good idea! i'll put it on my 2 du list!
That'd be doable, if anyone would WANT to claim your work as their own.

Let's see if it makes it through the censors...

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She asks the question, she answers the question! I give you -- Wonder Deb:

When are you going to sue DHD for plagiarizing all your material and putting it up on their site?
good idea! i'll put it on my 2 du list!
Posted by anon at August 13, 2006 09:51 PM

We're all gonna get suuuuuuued! I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to find a hiding place for my extensive collection of original Star Trek® paperbacks.

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, she just corrected Boo Kitty's spelling.

That's just...I don't even have a description for that. I will commence speechlessness for the next 10 seconds.

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


'Ware! The Beast's naked eye be upon us!
Soon shall she loose the pow'rs of her legal
Letters on the 'bankment of our tow'r.
Not iv'ry, but digital be these walls,
Of fire (I hope), and of sock puppetry,
Be they strong 'gainst her lunar battery.

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's a slooo...ooooo...oooow reader. It'll be awhile she get's anything posted.

In the meantime, good show Joe!

At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idiot is trying for sympathy...months *after* its dog dies. I'm sure the poor dog is better off now that it doesn't have to remain cooped up in debbies hovel listening to her nightly drunken rantings, her preps for supposed stand-up comedy at the local mentally handicapped facility, and who knows what other in(s)ane babblings she subjected the poor beast to.
It's just a shame the dog had to live *any* amount of its lifetime with that unhinged, former of everything, pseudo-intellectual, frisch.

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently she's rethought her vendetta against Mr. Heidt, this is from the most recent post:

"I was watching my teevee tonight and there was a show on for like five hours about Navy SEALS in training. The SEALS had just done a difficult exercise where they had to stay suspended on two parallel wires (hand and foot height) for 30 seconds. If you have half a brain, you understand that the task is MUCH harder than it looks. You watch a couple of guys try it. Then you look at exhausted SEALS in training at the end of the day. One SEAL in training is shivering. That one did me in. I saw the buck in my backyard and the shivering water warrior in training and I just started you know whatting right there in my living room!

That shivering SEAL made my brain decide I ain’t got no business being mad at a Navy SEAL. Mr. Heidt really treated me badly, but now that I’ve seen the Navy SEAL training program, I just can’t get it up to hate a SEAL. They inspire me and give me hope for the military. They really, truly are some kind of something else. Watch the video and see for yourself.

I adore the water-warriors and grieve the death of Mr. Lee. Whatever grievances I have with Mr. Heidt pale in comparison to the sacrifices made by Navy SEALS. Besides, my gripe with Mr. Heidt has nothing to do with his career as a Navy SEAL.


word warrior
eugene, or"

At 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is disgusting for a former Navy SEAL to try to incite violence against a lesbian. Nowhere NEAR as bad as the Marines who rape and murder Iraqi civilians, of course, but still dishonorable.

Whenever you are seeking assistance from someone, it is best to insult them, their comrades and their chosen career path. In that way, they will be super motivated to give you the best possible service.

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it is true that Deb "can no longer bring herself to hate a SEAL", one of two things will happen now:

1) she will forget she ever wrote this and continue to find ways to harass Mr. Heidt, hoping to get some attention from him.


2) find some other male (and it will always be a male) to obsess over and provoke in order to get attention.

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2) find some other male (and it will always be a male) to obsess over and provoke in order to get attention.
It's almost too easy at this point, isn't it?

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My money is on Patterico if he's still updating her.

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:49 AM, Blogger Sinner said...


I would like to promote your fisk to the front page, with your permission.

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, maybe we should start a pool on who is going to be the next object of Dr. Deb's "affections." Patterico is a good choice. Any others?

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You got it. Thanks!


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